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Let’s talk about Fe 415 and Fe 500 grade steel – two of the most popular and commonly used grades of steel for TMT bars. TMT bars or thermo mechanically treated steel bars are widely used in construction, manufacturing, and other infrastructure development projects. There are four main types of TMT bars – Fe 415, Fe 500, Fe 550 and Fe 600, where ‘Fe’ meaning ferrum (Latin for iron) implies the presence of iron in the steel bars. With this premise, let us understand what is the difference between Fe 415 and Fe 500 steel, what are their main characteristics, price and application across industries.

Differences between Fe 415 and Fe 500

In this section, we will take a look at the difference between Fe 415 and Fe 500 steel TMT bars from various aspects – right from their characteristics, to uses, price and more.

Particulars Fe 415 Fe 500
Yield strength 415 N/mm² 500 N/mm²
Tensile strength 485 N/mm² (max) 545 N/mm² (max); 565 MPa for Fe 500D
Categories Fe 415 Fe 500, Fe 500D (D = ductility), Fe 500S (high % of elongation and ratio tensile strength to yield stress)
Elongation 20% Fe 500 (16%), Fe 500D (12%), Fe 500S (18%)
Chemical properties (max. values) Carbon – 0.25

Sulphur – 0.045

Phosphorous – 0.045

Carbon – 0.30

Sulphur – 0.055

Phosphorous – 0.055

Industry application Low rising, residential buildings in high seismic zones (e.g., up to 3 floors)

Small scale construction projects without heavy loadbearing

Residential high-rise or multi-storied projects

RCC structural construction in seismic areas

Heavy load construction projects like bridges, highways, flyovers, windmills, airports etc.

Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistant Highly corrosion resistance

Suitable for RCC constructions in corrosion prone areas

Earthquake resistance Suitable for projects in areas prone to earthquakes/seismic activities Suitable for projects in earthquake prone areas (has soft pearlite core)

Fe 500D is highly seismically resistant and suitable for zones 3,4, and 5, making TMT provide safety against natural disasters

Fire resistance High thermal stability High thermal stability (up to 600◦C)
Ductility More ductile Fe 500 is less ductile (i.e., more difficult to weld)

Fe 500D is more ductile

Weldability More weldable (lower the carbon content, more weldable the steel is) Less weldable
Price ₹40 – ₹60 / kg Fe 415 TMT bars* ₹60 – ₹100 / kg Fe 500 TMT bars* (price varies for Fe 500, Fe 500D, Fe 500S)

*Price difference between Fe 415 and Fe 500 steel depends on the size, brand and other factors. Steel prices are dynamic and varies between cities and manufacturers. Prices excluding taxes and transportation. For more details on daily steel prices in India, get in touch with us at Tata nexarc today.

Now that we understand the main difference between Fe 415 and Fe 500 grade of steel, let’s look at each type separately.

Meaning and key properties of Fe 415 and Fe 500 grade steel

As can be seen in the above table, there are differences and similarities between Fe 415 grade of steel and Fe 500 grade, which makes each category of steel more suitable for certain projects.

What is Fe 415?

Let us look at the main characteristics of Fe 415 grade of TMT bars.

Fe – stands for the ferrous metal iron

415 – refers to the yield strength or tensile stress when elongated (i.e., 415 N/mm²)

This type of reinforcement steel bars is mostly used for RCC projects. They have higher prolongation of almost 14% which makes them the preferred choice for projects in areas prone to seismic activities.

It is also highly ductile, weldable, and affordable (when compared to the other grades of TMT bars). It is usually coated and used to prevent steel corrosion.

Yield strength or tensile strength or tensile stress refers to the maximum point beyond which the bars will deform when bearing a load.

What is Fe 500?

Fe 500 is probably the most popular TMT bars used in construction. They are strong and are usually available in two additional variants – Fe 500S and Fe 500D

Fe 500D – where D stands for Ductility i.e., higher % elongation

It has lower quantities of carbon, sulphur and phosphorous which makes it resistant to earthquake shocks and preserve the quality of steel.

Though Fe 500 is more expensive than Fe 415, they are more cost-effective in the long run. Fe 500 is almost 20% stronger. This means that you will require less quantity of Fe 500 bars in any project. That’s how you can reduce construction costs with the right TMT bar type.

Industry applications and uses

While all TMT bars can be used in any civil and construction projects, what determines the grade of TMT being used is the nature of project. Before you buy TMT bars ensure that you understand the nature and scope of the project and its specific steel requirements.

As discussed, previously Fe 500 is more suitable for projects that require:

  • To bear heavy load, e.g., highways, flyovers, windmills, airports, railway bridges etc.
  • To be built in high corrosion and seismic zones (as it is earthquake resistant) e.g., bridges, dam, etc.
  • To have multiple storey, e.g., high-rise apartments, commercial buildings, etc.

Fe 415 on the other hand is the recommended option for:

  • Development of RCC structures
  • Low-rise commercial (e.g., retail stores, small offices) and residential buildings
  • Projects in high seismic zones
  • Beams and columns

When it comes to grades of TMT bars, there is adherence to IS code of steel required.

How to decide which grade of Fe 415 vs Fe 500 TMT steel you need?

We now understand how Fe 415 and Fe 500 are different from each other. But how to decide which TMT bar to buy for a project? Consider the following questions:

  • What is the scope of the project?
  • What’s the budget of the project? (i.e., what’s price difference between Fe 415 and Fe 500 steel for the project)
  • What are the geographical constraints and environmental factors?
  • Who are the manufacturers, wholesalers, steel suppliers? (e.g., JSW steel, Tata Steel, SAIL, Shyam Steel etc.)
  • What’s the requirement in tonnes?
  • What are the availability and delivery timelines?
  • What are the government requirements?

While you can begin considering your choice of steel based on these questions, this is only a starting point. Your decision will be based on several factors, but most importantly what’s the right fit based on Fe 415 and Fe 500’s main characteristics. Also, do consider if there are alternatives, e.g., TMT vs TMX bars, that will be a better or complementary fit.

When it comes to steel procurement, it’s necessary to buy from trusted sellers. At Tata nexarc you can buy quality-steel at competitive prices. We have onboarded verified sellers, offer credit facility, and on-time doorstep delivery. Explore now.

Sohini is a seasoned content writer with 12 years’ experience in developing marketing and business content across multiple formats. At Tata nexarc, she leverages her skills in crafting curated content on the Indian MSME sector, steel procurement, and logistics. In her personal time, she enjoys reading fiction and being up-to-date on trends in digital marketing and the Indian business ecosystem.