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As a registered GST taxpayer, you will have to file GST returns on a monthly/quarterly basis to stay GST compliant. But, to ensure that your filing has been successful, or the stage it is in, you must also check GST return status. This will ensure that you have not missed any GST return due date, your returns filing has been processed correctly, and that you do not have any late fees or penalty charged.

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Let’s understand the meaning of GST return status, the frequency of filing returns, and how as a taxpayer you can track and check the status of your GST returns filing on the GST portal (or if you are using any other tool).

What is GST return status?

GST return status reflects if your GST return has been filed successfully on the GST portal, or whether it is pending approval or processed. Tracking GST return filing status enables you to identify any issues in your return filing submission and rectify it to avoid paying late fees or penalties.

  • Enables you to stay GST compliant and file returns correctly within due date
  • Provides clarity on the status of your tax filings
  • Ensures any filing errors are identified and rectified in time
  • Reduces blockages in data updates for other return forms, thereby increasing transparency and seamless compliance (e.g., data from supplier’s GSTR-1 return filing is used to auto-generate GSTR-2A on a monthly or quarterly basis as the case may be)

Note: GST returns will encompass all relevant GSTR forms and account for sales, purchases, output GST, GST credit notes and Input Tax Credit.

How to check GST return status on GST portal?

As a taxpayer, it’s recommended to track GST return status to check if your return filing has been processed correctly in time, or not. You can check the status of your GST return filing on the GST portal. Listed below are the different return filing status types for your reference.

GST return filing application status types:

  • To be filed: Return is due and has not been filed yet
  • Submitted but not filed: Return has been validated but pending filing
  • Filed – Valid: Return has been filed successfully
  • Filed – Invalid: Return has been filed but taxes have not been pair or there are pending tax liabilities

With that understanding, let’s take a look at the return filing status check process on the GST portal.

Steps to check GST return status on GST portal:

For any clarity or information, always visit the official GST portal website: //

Also read: GST registration process

Here are the steps to check GST return status on the GST portal online:

  • Visit the GST portal and use your credentials to log in 
  • Follow the path: Services > Returns > Return Dashboard
  • Select the financial year and return filing period and click on Search for the results
  • View the list of GST returns and their corresponding returns status in the relevant column

Following the steps you can easily track the status of your GST returns and enable you to take action against any issues promptly.

Checking GST return status of vendor:

In cases where data is auto-populated, the GST portal will naturally fetch the data for your GST returns. For instance, if your supplier has deducted TDS under GST, once they file GSTR-7, your TDS deduction certificate in Form GSTR-7A will automatically be generated.

Tracking GST Return status:

As a taxpayer, once you have filed your GST returns, it’s recommended to check its application status, i.e., whether or not it has been filed and processed successfully on the GST portal. Here’s how you can do so:

  • Log in to your account on the GST portal
  • Follow the path: Services > Returns > Track Return Status 
  • Select the option you want to check status with: ARN, Return Filing Period, Status
  • Enter ARN if searching for return status with ‘ARN’ number
  • Choose the period from the calendar if searching with ‘Return Filing Period
  • Select the right option from the dropdown (i.e., Filed – Valid) if using the ‘Status’ option
  • Click on ‘Select’ to view the relevant result
  • View the status of GST returns filed based on your selection

Note: Details on Return type (e.g., GSTR-9), Financial year and period (monthly/quarterly), ARN, filing date, status (e.g., Filed – Valid, To be filed, etc.), and mode of filing will be displayed.

Must Read: How to track GST ARN Status for registration

How to check GST return status with GSTIN?

A commonly asked question is – How to do GST return status check with GSTIN number. The GST identification number is unique to every taxpayer and can be used to track the GST return status easily. However, to use this facility unlimited times, you will have to use a third-party online tool that is integrated with the GST portal.

You can search online for such a portal and enter the GSTIN number to check and track GST return status. You can check the status for yours and any other valid GSTINs. However, you must ensure that the tool is approved and integrated with the GST portal for accurate results/information.

Also read: What is the GSTN – Understand the difference between GSTN and GSTIN

track gst return status

GST return due date

As a taxpayer, to keep your business GST compliant you must ensure to file your GST returns within its timelines. Here’s a brief table to enable to keep to the relevant GST return filing due dates.

GST return filing due date:

GSTR form Description Filing due date Frequency
GSTR-1 Outward supplies/sales 11th of next month/13th of month following the quarterly Monthly/Quarterly
GSTR-2A Auto-generated based on supplier GSTR-1 N.A. (dynamic view) Monthly
GSTR-3B Summary statement of tax paid (sales and purchases) 20th of next month/ 22nd of month following the quarterly Monthly/Quarterly
GSTR-4 Returns for Composition Scheme 30th April of the next year (financial) Annual
GSTR-5 Returns for Non-residential taxpayer 20th of next month Monthly
GSTR-6 Returns for Input Service Distributor (ISD) with details on ITC distribution 13th of next month Monthly
GSTR-7 Returns for TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) 10th of next month Monthly
GSTR-8 E-Commerce operators / Returns for TCS (Tax Collected at Source) 10th of next month Monthly
GSTR-9 Annual return statement 31st December of next year (financial) Annual
GSTR-10 Final return upon cancellation/submission of GST registration N.A. N.A.


GST return filling fees

There are no GST return filing fees on the portal unless you are hiring a GST professional/CA for filing your returns who will charge fees for their professional services.

Depending on the scope of the services, duration of filing, annual turnover, type of business and other factors, the CA or tax consultant can charge fees ranging between ₹6,000 to ₹15,000 on an average and higher.

How to view e-filed GST return status online?

As a taxpayer, it’s required for you to keep track of your return status. You can view and download the same on the GST portal after every e-filing to ensure that the data has been recorded. This will also ensure that you don’t have any pending sums or penalties and are able to keep your business GST compliant. Here’s what you can do:

  • Visit the GST portal and click ‘Login’ to log in to your account using valid credentials
  • Follow the path from the menu: Services > Returns > View e-filed Returns 
  • Select financial year, return filing period, and return type
  • Select the frequency of filing returns: Monthly/Quarterly 
  • Select the specific period of filing: Quarter (e.g., Jan-Mar), Month (e.g., Jan)
  • Click ‘Search’ to view the results
  • Click on ‘View’ option to download/view the return e-filed

Note: Those who have opted for the QRMP scheme will file returns quarterly.


How can I check my GST return status?

To check your GST return status, you will need to visit the GST portal and log in to your account. From the menu, select ‘Services’ followed by ‘Returns’ and ‘Track Return Status’. You will need to select the relevant option (i.e., ARN, Return Filing Period, Status), enter the details and click on ‘Select’. On doing so, the relevant results will be displayed. 

How to check GST penalty?

An interest or late fee is applicable if you do not file your GST returns within the due dates. To view the details, log in to your account on the GST portal and check the ‘Returns’ section. In general, a late fee of ₹200 per day (i.e., ₹100 each for CGST and SGST) is applicable or to a maximum of ₹5,000 (subject to annual turnover). For instance, if you do not file GSTR-1 you will be unable to file GSTR-3B unless you have cleared the pending fines. However, if you have not registered for GST though your business annual turnover exceeds the GST threshold limit, you will be liable to pay a penalty of ₹10,000 or up to 10% of the unpaid tax.

Is GST filed every month?

GST has to be paid during the sale and purchase of goods and services. However, GST return filing has to be done on a monthly or quarterly basis (i.e., for those who have opted for the QRMP scheme) as the case may be.

A product manager with a writer's heart, Anirban leverages his 6 years of experience to empower MSMEs in the business and technology sectors. His time at Tata nexarc honed his skills in crafting informative content tailored to MSME needs. Whether wielding words for business or developing innovative products for both Tata Nexarc and MSMEs, his passion for clear communication and a deep understanding of their challenges shine through.