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When applying for a tender, the tender notice is the first set of document you will have to encounter. Most tender notices follow a structure that outlines the key requirements and specifications of the tender. Though there is no universal tender notice format that any organisation (government or private) follows, the main objective is to ensure that all the details pertaining to the tender are clearly listed and elaborated for a bidder to view and evaluate. Here, we take a look at a tender notice format template – the main components, structure, details and other elements that will enable you as a potential bidder to understand tender notices better and ensure that you focus on the key points and don’t miss out on any critical section of information.


Note: E-tendering process today is generally an online process. A standard tender notice, whether published by the government sector or privately, is usually a lengthy document. Government tender notice documents PDF can be viewed online on the CPPP and GeM portal or respective state government portals.

What is a tender notice?

We begin by understanding the meaning of a tender notice.

A tender notice or Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is a document that contains complete details on the tender invitation. It contains specifications on the scope and type of work, bidder eligibility, special qualifications and requirements, documents required for tender application, opening and closing dates of the tender, any fees to be paid (e.g., tender fees, EMD, tender security deposit), evaluation criteria, and any other relevant details.

In brief, it’s a single document that will provide a bidder with all the information required for applying for the specific e-tender.

On the CPP portal, this can be downloaded as a zip file or the Tender Documents PDF. You do not need to register for downloading tender notices. However, it’s recommended to do so as it enables you to track any corrigendum or updates and tenders announcements in similar industries, categories, cities, etc.

tender notice documents

Tender notice format: Understanding the structure of a tender notice

Let’s now take a detailed look at the structure of a tender notice. In general, a standard tender notice invitation comes with the following elements:

  • Basic information: About the Tender Inviting Authority, Tender ID, Tender Title, Reference Number, Type of tender, Category, Due dates (opening and closing)
  • List of tender documents and bidder eligibility criteria: Any special qualifications/requirements for the bidder’s eligibility for the tender, list of documents required as proof for tender application submission, and the process to apply for the tender
  • List of covers: Related to covers for technical and financial bids, opening of tenders, and at times a tender cover letter
  • Evaluation criteria: The criteria and process of tender evaluation, dates for the same, and details on contract award
  • Other details: General terms and conditions, FAQs, and any other information specific to the tender

How do you write a tender notification?

A tender notification is the actual announcement of a tender by the relevant Tender Inviting Authority. It involves the publication of the tender on the CPPP, GeM and other online/offline portal, and its circulation. The objective of a tender notification is creating awareness among interested bidders of the organisation’s procurement requirements in a fair and transparent manner.

A tender notification is not the tender notice. The tender notice is an elaborate document on the requirements of the tender, while the tender notification is only an announcement of such a tender being published.

Being notified of relevant tenders is important. With Tenders on Tata nexarc, you can get alerts and notifications on relevant government tenders for your business, and never miss an opportunity. Try now!

What is the format of tender?

In the previous section, we mentioned the key elements of a tender notice. In this section we will take a closer look at each of the elements mentioned.

Few things to keep in mind:

  • The components of a standard tender notice format are not fixed and organisations can add/remove sections based on their requirements
  • The scope of the tender determines the format of the tender invitation – that is, format for railway tenders will be different from construction tenders
  • Private businesses may have their own organisation specific tender notice formats and tender documents format

The main thing to keep in mind is that understanding the main elements of a tender notice format will ensure that you look out for the key details of the tender and do not miss out any deadlines or critical requirement for the tender.

Let’s dive deep.

Basic Information

The first detail in a tender notice is the basic information about the tender and the issuing authority. Here is what basic information includes:

  • Organisation name and chain: It means the name of the organiasation that intends to procure goods or services along with its department name. For example, for NTPC tenders, if the renewable energy department has floated a tender, then it will contain the organisation chain as ‘NTPC | Renewable Energy’.
  • Tender Reference Number: It will have a Tender Reference Number. If you need any clarification or if you need to communicate with the buyer with regard to a particular tender, you will need to mention this Tender Reference Number. Usually, it is mentioned on top.
  • Name of the work: The basic information also contains the name of the work along with brief information about the work and location. For example, supply of raw materials for the restoration of the cabin on Hill in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. It usually also mentions the type of tender, e.g., open tender, closed tender etc. to ensure that only eligible tenderers bid for the same.

List of covers

Another crucial element of a tender notice is the List of Covers. It is an important regulation, and you will have to upload documents in the specified covers “Covers” and in the specificied format.

For example, Cover 1 should include Proof of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and the accepted file format is ‘.pdf’. While Cover-2 may be Eligibility Documents such as Registration Certificate, Copy of GST Registration, PAN Card copy, etc. and the required format of uploading can be .zip.

Likewise, there could be several covers. Technical Bid Covers, Financial Bid Covers, etc.

In a scenario, where Tender Inviting Authorities (TIA) do not find documents in the respective covers, your tender will be rejected.

Critical date sheet

A critical date sheet is yet another important element of a tender notice. It contains all the important dates in a tabular format. This sheet gives a clear idea of the bid-submission deadline, pre-bid meetings, Date of opening technical bids, date of opening financial bids, and so on.

Here is an example of what a critical date sheet looks like (this is only a sample).

Date of issue of Tender 01.05.2023
Bid submission start date 01.05.2023
Pre-bid meeting date for clarifying doubts, etc. 08.05.2023 at 11:30 am
 Address of pre-bid meeting Archaeological Survey of India,

Cristine Plaza, 8-101/3

M.G. Road, Pune (Maharashtra)

Date of opening technical bids 25.05.2023
Date of opening financial bids 26.05.2023
Date for depositing Earnest money deposit DD must be delivered on or before 11 am 24.05.2023
Date of agreement signing 15 days from the tender acceptance letter
Date of site handover Within 15 days of signing the tender acceptance letter
Work completion period 120 days from site handover


Note: The above table is hypothetical and presented only as an example.

format of tender notice

Eligibility requirements

Each tender has unique requirements. Therefore, it is important to carefully read the eligibility criteria mentioned in the tender notice. This information is also presented in a tabular format. Here is an example of eligibility criteria mentioned in a tender notice:

Requirement Copy of relevant document Enclosed Y/N Page numbers of the bid document
The bidder should be a registered company with an appropriate registration authority Copy of the registration certificate
Experience of having completed similar work in the last 5 years Copy of a work order and copy of a completion certificate.
Proof of GST registration Copy of registration and latest GST returns
Copy of the certificate from the Statutory Auditor.

The average financial turnover of the company for the last 3 years should be at least 25% of the estimated cost

Certificate from the Statutory Auditor
Proof of EMD DD drawn on a nationalised bank.

If the bidder is exempted from EMD submission then a copy of the MSME exemption certificate

Tender document Duly signed with company seal

Note: Fictional sample only for reference. The above table is only for reference and not an actual table.

List of documents required

Another key element of the tender notice is a list of documents required. Some of the commonly required documents for government tenders remain the same. However, each tender is unique, and the list of documents required changes according to the scope of work. Here is how a list of documents is presented in a tender notice.

Name of the document Cover no.
Company registration certificate Uploaded in Cover no. 2
Experience in successful completion of similar projects i.e. work order along with completion certificate Uploaded in Cover no. 3
Application of tender Uploaded in Cover no. 1
Copy of GST registration Uploaded in Cover no. 2

Note: This is only a suggestive list. The actual list of documents mentioned in a tender notice is exhaustive. As a bidder, you need to pay attention to submitting all required documents. Also, focus on uploading them in the correct cover. Else, your bid will be rejected.

Such tasks can be confusing for a new company. In such cases a bid management company can be a helpful resource. It can help you find relevant tenders, fill in tender documents, help in gathering all necessary documents and so on.

Scope of work and details

Furthermore, a tender notice details the scope of work of the project. For example, if it is a tender for procuring laptops and printers, the scope of work will include detailed requirements such as the configuration of laptops, details of required printers, the quantity of both devices and so on.

Evaluation criteria

This is yet another element of a tender notice that a bidder should not miss. The tender evaluation process suggests how the tenders are going to be evaluated. Usually, tenders are evaluated on technical criteria first and bidders who qualify for the technical criteria move to the financial stage. It means that your financial bid will be opened only if you meet the technical requirements.

Additional sections in standard tender notice format

Here are some of the other elements included in a tender notice.

Contact details: The tender notice includes contact details of a contact person and communication address along with email id and phone numbers. These contact details are mentioned to answer any tender related query that a bidder may have.

General guidelines: The tender notice also contains general guidelines for a bidder that states various aspects such as GST details, how EMD is to be paid, contract validity, termination clauses, and so on.

Format for application for tender: The tender notice includes a format in which the application for tender has to be submitted. The bidder must fill it in and upload the same company letterhead, duly signed with the seal.

Others: Apart from elements mentioned above, a tender notice also includes formats and sections such as a Declaration, Copy of a tender acceptance letter, Terms and conditions, etc.

What are the points of tender notice?

A tender notice, RFP or RFT is a lengthy but vital document. All eligible bidders must carefully read and understand the tender notice document to evaluate if they are eligible for the tender or not, and the key requirements of the tender. In a nutshell, here are main parts of a tender notice format document:

  • Tender No., Title, Ref. Number, Dates and Version number
  • Brief description of work (scope, eligibility, instructions, forms, details on bidder detail formats, list of documents, price bid, etc.)
  • Tender fees, EMD and security deposit fee details
  • Date of publish, pre-bid meeting dates (if applicable), last date of submission, date of opening tender
  • Contact person and address of TIA

Sohini is a seasoned content writer with 12 years’ experience in developing marketing and business content across multiple formats. At Tata nexarc, she leverages her skills in crafting curated content on the Indian MSME sector, steel procurement, and logistics. In her personal time, she enjoys reading fiction and being up-to-date on trends in digital marketing and the Indian business ecosystem.